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List of publications


Bokstein F, Neufeld MY, Nisipeanu P, Korczyn AD. Painful paroxysmal dystonia associated with focal epileptic activity. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995;58:257-258 


Bokstein F, Lossos A, Siegal T. Leptomeningeal metastases in solid tumors: comparison of two prospective series treated with or without intra-CSF chemotherapy. Cancer 1998;82(9):1756-63


Siegal T, Rubinstein R, Bokstein F, Schwartz A, Lossos A, Shalom E, Chisin R, Gomori JM. In vivo assessment of the window of barrier opening after osmotic blood-brain barrier disruption in humans. J Neurosurg 2000;92:599-605


Zylber-Katz E, Gomori JM, Schwartz A, Lossos A, Bokstein F, Siegal T. Pharmacokinetics of methotrexate in cerebrospinal fluid and serum after osmotic blood-brain barrier disruption in patients with brain lymphoma. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2000;67:631-41


Bokstein F, Lossos A, Lossos IS, Siegal T. Central nervous system relapse of systemic non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: Results of treatment based on high-dose methotrexate combination chemotherapy. Leukemia and lymphoma 2002;43:587-593 


Agid R, Rubinstein R, Siegal T, Lester H, Bokstein F, Chisin R, Gomori JM. Does streaming affect the cerebral distribution of infraophthalmic intracarotid chemotherapy? AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2002 Nov-Dec;23(10):1732-5 


Bokstein F., Korscyn A. Gastro-intestinal manifestations of neuro-muscular diseases. In: Quigley EMM, Pfeffer RF (eds). Neuro-Gastroenterology. Butterworth Heinemann, 2003


Merimsky O, Kollender, Bokstein F, Issakov J, Flusser G, Inbar M. J, Meller I, Bickels J. Radiotherapy for spinal cord compression in patients with soft-tissue sarcoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004;58(5):1468-73 


Metser U, Lerman H, Blank A, Lievshitz G, Bokstein F, Even-Sapir E.  Malignant involvement of the spine: assessment by 18F-FDG PET/CT.  J Nucl Med 2004:45(2): 179-84 


Bokstein F, Goor O, Shihman B, Rochkind S, Even-Sapir E, Metser U, Neufeld M. Assessment of neurolymphomatosis by brachial plexus biopsy and PET/CT. Report of a case.  J Neurooncol 2005:72(2):163-7 


Levin N, Lavon I, Zelikovitsh B, Fuchs D, Bokstein F, Fellig Y, Siegal, T. Progressive low-grade oligodendrogliomas: response to temozolomide and correlation between genetic profile and O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase protein expression. Cancer 2006;106:1759-65 


Taliansky-Aronov A, Bokstein F, Lavon I, Siegal T. Temozolomide treatment for newly diagnosed anaplastic oligodendrogliomas: a clinical efficacy trial. J Neurooncol. 2006 Sep;79(2):153-7 


Yatziv Y, Bokstein F, Segev Y, Kesler A. Adult optic nerve glioma presenting as central retinal vein occlusion. Retina 2007; 1:34  


Kanner A, Bokstein F, Blumenthal D.T., Ram Z. Surgical therapies in brain metastasis. Seminars in Oncology 2007 Jun;34(3):197-205 


Bokstein F, Shpigel S, Blumenthal DT. Treatment with bevacizumab and irinotecan for recurrent high-grade glial tumors. Cancer 2008 May 15;112(10):2267-73 


Bokstein F, Kovner F, Blumenthal DT, Ram Z, Templehoff H, Kanner AA, Corn BW. A common sense approach to radiation treatment planning of glioblastoma multiforme situated in the temporal bone. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys  2008 Apr 11.


Nossek E, Ram Z, Bokstein F, Blumenthal D. Antiangiogenesis in recurrent glioblastoma: proof of principle. Neurology International 2009; Nov 16 1(1):21


Blumenthal DB, Bokstein F. Presentation and clinical features of brain metastases. In.: Mehta M, Chang S, Vogelbaum M, Guha A, et al (eds); Newton H (section ed):  Principles and Practices of Neuro-Oncology: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Demos Publishing Company, 2009


Grisariu S, Avni B, Batchelor TT, Van der Bent MJ, Bokstein F, Schiff D, Kuittinen Q, Chamberlen M, Roth P, Nemets A, Shalom E, Ben-Yehuda D, Siegal T. Neurolymphomatosis: an International Primary CNS Lymphoma Collaborative Group report. Blood. 2010 Jun 17;115(24):5005-11 


Blumenthal DT, Shacham-Shmueli E, Bokstein F, Schmidt DS, Cohrs RJ, Nagel MA, Mahalingam R, Gilden D. Zoster sine herpete:virologic verification by detection of anto-VZV igg antibody in CSF. Neurology 2011 Feb 1;76(5):484-5


Lawrence YR, Blumenthal DT, Matceyevsky D, Kanner AA, Bokstein F, Corn BW. Delayed initiation of radiotherapy for glioblastoma: how important is to push to the front (or the back) of the line? J Neurooncol 2011 Oct 105(1):1-7


Liberman G, Louzoun Y, Aizenstein O, Blumenthal DT, Bokstein F, Palmon M, Corn BW, Ben Bashat D. Automatic multi-modal MR tissue classification for the assessment of response to bevacizumab in patients with glioblastoma. Eur. J Radiol 2013 Feb; 82(2): Feb;82(2):e87-94


Ben Bashat D, Artzi M, Ben Ami H, Aizenstein O, Blumenthal DT, Bokstein F, Kanner A, Lifshitz-Mercer B, Solar I, Kolatt T. Palmon M, Edrei Y, Abramovich R. Hemodynamic response imaging: a potential tool for the assessment of angiogenesis in brain tumors. Plos One. 2012; 7(11):e49416.


Shahar T, Nossek E, Steinberg DM, Rozovski, U, Blumenthal DT, Bokstein F, Sitt R, Freedman S, Corn BW, Kanner AA, Ram Z. The impact of enrollment in clinical trials on survival of patients with glioblastoma. J Clin Neurosci 2012 Nov;19(11):1530-4


Ratai EM, Zhang Z, Snyder BS, Boxerman JL, Safriel Y, mckinstry, R.C., Bokstein F, Gilbert MR, Sorensen AG, Barboriak DP. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy as an early indicator of response to anti-angiogenic therapy in patients with recurrent glioblastoma: RTOG 0625/ACRIN 6677. Neuro Oncology 2013 Jul 15(7):936-44


Strauss I, Jonas-Kimchi T, Bokstein F, Blumenthal D, Roth J, Sitt R, Wilson J, Ram Z. Gliomas of the posterior fossa in adults. J Neurooncol. 2013 Dec;115(3):401-9. 


Ben Shachar S, Bokstein F. Neurofibromatosis type I. Neurology - Journal of Israeli Neurological Association 2013;14:14-17


Shofty B, Constantini S, Bokstein F, Ram Z, Ben-Sira L, Freedman S, Vainer G, Kesler A. Optic pathway gliomas in adults. Neurosurgery. 2014 Mar;74(3):273-9


Artzi M, Bokstein F, Blumenthal DT, Aizenstein O, Liberman G, Corn BW, Ben Bashat D. Differentiation between vasogenic-edema versus tumor-infiltrative area in patients with glioblastoma during bevacizumab therapy: a longitudinal MRI study. Eur J Radiol. 2014 Jul;83(7):1250-6. 


Artzi M, Blumenthal DT, Bokstein F, Nadav G, Liberman G, Aizenstein O, Ben Bashat D. Classification of tumor area using combined DCE and DSC MRI in patients with glioblastoma. J Neurooncol. 2015 Jan;121(2):349-357


Laufer S, Mazuz A, Nachmansson N, Fellig Y, Corn BW, Bokstein F, Bashat DB, Abramovitch R. Monitoring brain tumor vascular heamodynamic following anti-angiogenic therapy with advanced magnetic resonance imaging in mice. Plos one 2014 Dec 15;9 (12): e115093


Ellingson BM, Kim E, Woodworth DC, Marques H, Boxerman JL, Safriel Y, mckinstry RC, Bokstein F, Jain R, Chi TL, Sorensen AG, Gilbert MR, Barboriak DP. Diffusion MRI quality control and functional diffusion map results in ACRIN 6677/RTOG 0625: a multicenter, randomized, phase II trial of bevacizumab and chemotherapy in recurrent glioblastoma. Int J Oncol. 2015 May;46(5):1883-92


Artzi M, Liberman G, Nadav G, Vitinshtein F, Blumenthal DT, Bokstein F, Aizenstein O, Ben Bashat D. Human cerebral blood volume measurements using dynamic contrast enhancement in comparison to dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI. Neuroradiology. 2015 Jul;57(7):671-8. 


Blumenthal DT, Aisenstein O, Ben-Horin I, Ben Bashat D, Artzi M, Corn BW, Kanner AA, Ram Z, Bokstein F. Calcification in high grade gliomas treated with bevacizumab. J Neurooncol. 2015 Jun;123(2):283-8.


Bokstein F, Blumenthal DT, Corn BW, Gez E, Matceyevsky D, Shtraus N, Ram Z, Kanner AA. Stereotactic radiosurgery(SRS) in high-grade glioma: judicious selection of small target volumes improves results. J Neurooncol. 2015 Jun;123(2):283-8


Blumenthal DT, Mendel L, Bokstein F. The optimal regimen of bevacizumab for recurrent glioblastoma: does dose matter? J Neurooncol. 2016 May;127(3):493-502 


Artzi M, Liberman G, Vaisman N, Bokstein F, Vitinshtein F, Aizenstein O, Ben Bashat D. Changes in cerebral metabolism during ketogenic diet in patients with primary brain tumors: 1H-MRS study. J Neurooncol. 2017 April; 132(2):267-275


Gilbert MR, Pugh SL, Aldape K, Sorensen AG, Mikkelsen T, Penas-Prado M, Bokstein F, Kwok Y, Lee RJ, Mehta M. NRG oncology RTOG 0625: a randomized phase II trial of bevacizumab with either irinotecan or dose-dense temozolomide in recurrent glioblastoma. J Neurooncol. 2017 Jan;131(1):193-199


Molad JA, Blumenthal DT, Bokstein F, Findler M, Finkel I, Bornstein NM, Yust-Katz S, Auriel E. Mechanisms of post-radiation injury: cerebral microinfarction not a significant factor. J Neurooncol. 2017 Jan;131(2):277-281


Blumenthal DT, Dvir A, Lossos A, Tzuk-Shina T, Lior T, Limon D, Yust-Katz S, Lokiec A, Ram Z, Ross JS, Ali SM, Yair R, Soussan-Gutman L, Bokstein F. Clinical utility and treatment outcome of comprehensive genomic profiling in high grade glioma patients. J Neurooncol. 2016 Oct;130(1):211-219.


Dubov T, Toledano-Alhadef H, Bokstein F, Constantini S, Ben-Shachar S. The effect of parental age on the presence of de novo mutations - Lessons from neurofibromatosis type I. Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2016 Jun 16;4(4):480-6.


Artzi M, Liberman G, Nadav G, Blumenthal DT, Bokstein F, Aizenstein O, Ben Bashat D. Optimization of DCE-MRI protocol for the assessment of patients with brain tumors. Magn Reson Imaging. 2016 Nov;34(9):1242-1247


Daniels D, Guez D, Last D, Hoffmann C, Nass D, Talianski A, Tsarfaty G, Salomon S, Kanner AA, Blumenthal DT, Bokstein F, Harnof S, Yekutieli D, Zamir S, Cohen ZR, Zach L, Mardor Y. Early Biomarkers from Conventional and Delayed-Contrast MRI to Predict the Response to Bevacizumab in Recurrent High-Grade Gliomas. Am J Neuroradiol. 2016 Jul 7. 


Blumenthal DT, Yalon M, Vainer GW, Lossos A, Yust S, Tzach L, Cagnano E, Limon D, Bokstein F. Pembrolizumab: first experience with recurrent primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors. J Neurooncol. 2016 Sep;129(3):453-60.


Glass J, Won M, Schultz CJ, Brat D, Bartlett NL, Suh JH, Werner-Wasik M, Fisher BJ, Liepman MK, Augspurger M, Bokstein F, Bovi JA, Solhjem MC, Mehta MP.  Phase I and II Study of Induction Chemotherapy With Methotrexate, Rituximab, and Temozolomide, Followed By Whole-Brain Radiotherapy and Postirradiation Temozolomide for Primary CNS Lymphoma: NRG Oncology RTOG 0227. J Clin Oncol. 2016 May 10;34(14):1620-5.


Artzi M, Liberman G, Nadav G, Blumenthal DT, Bokstein F, Aizenstein O, Ben Bashat D. Differentiation between treatment-related changes and progressive disease in patients with high grade brain tumors using support vector machine classification based on DCE MRI. J Neurooncol. 2016 May;127(3):515-24.


Bokstein F, Dubov T, Toledano-Alhadef H, Bernstein-Molho R, Constantini S, Evans DG, Ben-Shachar S. Cranial irradiation in childhood mimicking neurofibromatosis type II. Am. J Med Genet. 2017 Jun;173(6):1635-1639


Gilbert MR, Pugh SL, Aldape K, Sorensen AG, Mikkelsen T, Penas-Prado M, Bokstein F, Kwok Y, Lee RJ, Mehta M. NRG oncology RTOG 0625: a randomized phase II trial of bevacizumab with either irinotecan or dose-dense temozolomide in recurrent glioblastoma. J Neurooncol. 2017 Jan;131(1):193-199


Mauda-Havakuk M, Shofti B, Ben-Shachar S, Ben-Sira L, Constantini S, Bokstein F. Spinal and paraspinal plexiform neurofibromas in NF1 patients; a novel scoring system for radiological clinical correlation. Am J Neuroradiol. 2017 Oct;38(10):1869-1875


Blumenthal DT, Artzi M, Liberman G, Bokstein F, Aizenstein O, Ben Bashat D. Classification of high-grade glioma into tumor and nontumor components using support vector machine. Am J Neuroradiol. 2017 May;38(5):908-914  


Shofty B, Artzi M, Ben Bashat D, Liberman G, Haim O, Kashanian A, Bokstein F, Blumenthal DT, Ram Z, Shahar T. MRI radiomics analysis of molecular alternations in low-grade gliomas. Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg 2017 Dec 21;13(4):563-571


Blumenthal DT, Kanner AA, Aizenstein O, Cagnano E, Greenberg D, Hershkovitz Z, Ram Z, Bokstein F. Surgery for recurrent high-grade glioma after treatment with bevacizumab. World Neurosurgery 2018 Feb;110:727-737


Artzi M, Liberman G, Blumenthal DT, Aizenstein O, Bokstein F, Ben Bashat D. Differentiation between vasogenic edema and infiltrative tumor in patients with high grade gliomas using radiomics patch based analysis. J Magn Reson Med 2018 Jan 3


Fellner A, Makranz C, Lotem M, Bokstein F, Taliansky A, Rosenberg S, Blumenthal DT, Mandel J, Fichman S, Kogan E, Steiner I, Siegal T, Lossos, A, Yust-Katz S.  Neurologic complications of immune checkpoint inhibitors. J Neurooncol 2018 Jan: 137:601-609 


Shofty B, Ben-Sira L, Toledano-Alhadef H, Bokstein F, Constantini S. Neurofibromatosis type 1. In: Handbook of Pediatric neurosurgery. Thieme 2018


Ben Bashat D, Artzi M, Ben-Sira L, Bokstein F. Comp-18. Machine learning differentiation between plexiform neurofibromas and malignant nerve sheath tumors in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) based on MRI. Neuro Oncol 2018 Nov; 20(Suppl 6): vi67


Grossman R, Limon D, Bokstein F, Blumenthal D, Ben Harush C, Ram Z. Tumor treating fields combined with radiotherapy and temozolomide for the treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma: final results from a pilot study. Neuro-oncology 2019 Nov; 21: 23-24


Shofty B, Mauda-Havakuk M, Ben-Sira L, Bokstein F, Lidar Z, Salame K, Korn A. Constantini S. Surgical Management of “Kissing” Spinal Plexiform Neurofibromas in Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Patients. World Neurosurgery 2020;134:1143-1147

© 2020 by Ruth Artzi for Felix Bokstein, M.D. | Israel

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